Community Development Partners
Global Communities Helping Local Communities
CREATE!’s community development programs in rural Senegal are made possible through the generous funding and support of partner organizations from around the world. We are grateful for all of your support!
Bellevue Rotary
The Bellevue Rotary Club unequivocally embraces Rotary’s intolerance for racism. We believe in promoting respect, celebrating diversity, demanding ethical leadership, and working tirelessly to advance peace as central tenets of our work. We recognize we have more work to do to create a more just, open and welcoming club for all people.
Addax & Oryx Foundation
Addax & Oryx believes that, together, Health, Education, Community development and the Environment are essential to sustainable development. Our projects take a holistic approach and are anchored in local communities ensuring that actions are relevant and viable for the long-term.
One Day’s Wages
One Day’s Wages is a movement of people, stories, and actions that work together to alleviate extreme global poverty. One Day’s Wages supports cooperative-based training in poultry cultivation for CREATE!’s partner communities in Senegal.
International Foundation
The International Foundation envisions a world in which active philanthropy measurably improves the lives of the poor and disadvantaged in developing world communities. The International Foundation provides funding and support for CREATE!‘s sustainable agriculture programs in rural Senegal.
SpawGlass Foundation
The SpawGlass Foundation is the nonprofit, grant-making arm of SpawGlass, a Texas-based contracting and construction firm. SpawGlass Foundation provides operational support for CREATE!.
Susan A. and Donald P. Babson Charitable Foundation
The focus of The Susan A. and Donald P. Babson Charitable Foundation is the enrichment and empowerment of people of all ages around the world, so as to prevent exploitation, poverty, and injustice. They have provided funding and support for CREATE! in 2017.
Entrepreneurs for Knowledge
Entrepreneurs for Knowledge is a free nonprofit service for companies and individuals that helps to facilitate the construction of schools for underprivileged children around the world. We believe that everyone can make a difference and that together we can achieve so much more.
Acronis Cyber Foundation
Acronis believes that knowledge is the answer. Knowledge fuels discovery and drives innovation. It saves lives every day. That’s why our community of employees, partners, and friends joins forces to create new knowledge, putting our diverse experiences and strengths to work for a brighter future.

Government of Senegal
CREATE! partners with representatives of the Senegalese Department of Agriculture, Ministry of the Environment, Department of Rural Development and the Department of Water and Forestry to conduct trainings in improved cookstove construction, tree planting and sustainable agriculture. Partnering with local civil administrative officers in Senegal ensures that our beneficiaries have the full support and confidence of local authorities.
UplinkSpyder is a full-service provider of Website Development, Digital Marketing and Graphic Design services in Eugene, Oregon. UplinkSpyder designed CREATE!‘s website, and provides continued web management and online graphic design services for our digital media presence.
Global PDX
Global PDX connects the Oregon-based global development community in an effort to magnify our collective impact on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). CREATE! supports the following seven SDGs: No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Gender Equality, Clean Water & Sanitation, Affordable & Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities & Communities, and Climate Action.
NEID Giving Circle
We are grateful for the support of the NEID Giving Circle, a Donor Advised Fund of the Boston Foundation, for their recognition of our work to empower women and girls in Senegal.
Vibrant Village Foundation
The Vibrant Village Foundation invests in the potential of communities around the world by supporting villages in the areas of nutrition and health, clean water, agriculture, education, arts, and economic development. The Vibrant Village Foundation supports CREATE! programs in our partner communities of Walo, Gagnick Mack, and Darou Diadji in Senegal.
LUSH Cosmetics Charity Pot
LUSH Cosmetics donates 100% of the proceeds of their Charity Pot lotion to organizations working in the areas of environmental conservation, animal welfare, and human rights. Recipients of LUSH funding are also featured on Charity Pot product label. LUSH is providing funding and support for the expansion of the cooperative garden site in the village of Diender, Senegal.
CBT Nuggets NuggetLove
The goal of NuggetLove is to support local and global organizations with proven solutions to difficult social, economic, and environmental problems, so that those organizations can grow and thrive. NuggetLove provides branding and communications support to CREATE! through consulting.
Dining for Women
Through collective giving, Dining for Women inspires, educates, and engages people to invest in programs that make a meaningful difference for women and girls living in extreme poverty. Dining for Women has provided funding and support for CREATE! community development programs in our partner community of Thieneba, Senegal.
Frankel Family Foundation
The Frankel Family Foundation believes that all people should live in a world of equal opportunity and on a healthy, sustainable planet. The Frankel Family Foundation provides operational support for CREATE!
Mosaic Fair Trade Collection
“Find a world of fun, do a world of good!” Located in downtown Eugene, Mosaic Fair Trade Collection is a local fair-trade store that hopes to inspire positive change. All of their products come from producers in developing countries who receive living wages and have safe working conditions with no child labor. Mosaic is a loyal partner of CREATE! and has hosted CREATE!’s Annual Fair-Trade Fundraiser every year since 2015.
Community Development With GlobalGiving
CREATE! is an active member of the GlobalGiving community with top-rated status. As an international crowdfunding community, GlobalGiving connects nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. In March 2017, we hosted a site visit for a GlobalGiving Field Traveler, as an opportunity for GlobalGiving and our donors to learn more about the impact of their support.
Currently, we are raising funds through GlobalGiving to provide access to clean, abundant water for 1,500 people in the Guinguineo District of rural Senegal. By rehabilitating existing wells and installing solar-powered pumps and gravity-fed irrigation systems, these rural communities can advance towards achieving agricultural and economic self-sufficiency. Click here to support the project.